Foot Girl Clips

Hot foot fetish girls

Madame Svea was bored at home. She had nothing better to do so she passed her time trying foot girl clips. She took videos of herself playing with her feet. She had fun trying it all and she was surprised at how much time had passed as she did it. She felt that she could graduate from enjoying it on her own to doing it to a slave or a loser.

Mistress Cat loves to be at the center of attention. She felt that she was not getting that with this guy so she changed tact. She teased him and she got him turned on. But she did not want to do anything sexual with him. All she wanted was to use her bare feet to dominate him so she made him lick her bare feet before she sent him away.

Mistress Alice loves wearing sneakers. And since she wears them a lot, she finds that sometimes, her feet smell. And they smelled today so she felt it was the best time to humiliate a loser with them as she had seen in a video on the internet. She chose to dominate the loser and she did so using her bare feet. She got him to lick her socks and to smell them.

This mistress was chatting with her friends on the phone while going home in the subway. They were talking about foot fetish and she was interested. She was the only one who had not tried it out. She did not want to miss out so as she got off the subway, she got this guy to follow her for what he thought was a good time but ended up being only good for her and bad for him as he licked her feet and was turned into a foot slave.

Mistress Avery has a thing for foot fetish. She loves it when her feet are rubbed and when she is in a bad mood, she likes to have her feet and her boots licked. She makes them sort of dirty and then she asks her slave to lick them clean. That is what she did to this loser today for not respecting her boundaries. He had a crush on her and had become a kind of stalker.

This mistress has a fetish for the humiliation of losers using her feet. She loves no other way of slave humiliation and punishment because none of them gives her as much satisfaction as foot femdom does. She loves to show off her feet, have slaves and losers pamper her feet by rubbing them and licking them and as punishment, she gets them to lick her shoes or her feet when they are dirty.

Madame Svea likes to humiliate losers in non-painful ways. And when her slave pissed her off today with how he handled the chores she gave him, she got out of the house, drove to a river and walked on the banks of the river and soiled her feet. She then went back home and she got her slave to lick her feet until they were as clean as they were before she left the house.

Mistress Denise does not like being disappointed by slaves. When her slave did it today, she punished him using her foot girl clips fetish. She got him to lick her shoes as well as her bare feet. She made him do all the naughty things that she had in mind before she trampled him. She warned him against disappointing her again as she would be more ruthless the next time.

This Czech mistress loves to do all kinds of naughty things. Today she felt like getting her feet licked so she flirted with a guy and got him to do it for her. She had him lick her sweaty feet, she had him rub them and she had him suck her toes before she felt it was enough and she told him the truth that she was not interested in him but rather what she could get him to do for her.

This mistress loves to have fun and to tease. Her boyfriend was not around os she teased him with a sexy video. She made a video of herself taking a soapy bath. She also teased him with her feet and told him how she wanted to rub his dick with them and how she wanted him to lick her feet. She teased him by touching himself and then sent the video to him.

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